100,000 watts of quality,
diverse programming

Crush #233 - cute vibes

by Elise Polo


#crush, #shoegaze, #dream-pop

today was so rainy and moody we needed some sweet sounding shoegaze to perk us back up ~

tune in next week for our Black History Month episode where we'll be highlighting Black artists in shoegaze, noise pop & dream pop & also talking about the pioneers of dream pop, The Veldt!

tracklist on spotify

telepathy/overdrive - kinokoteikoku


pg.4 a picture of three hedges - julie

la pa ti ta - 800 cherries

exquisite tension - you'll never get to heaven

the future is now - POiSON GiRL FRiEND

those eyes, that mouth - cocteau twins

hypocrite - lush

last song - cq

(im) waiting for the sun

lose your sight - sadesper record