100,000 watts of quality,
diverse programming

girl rock! 11/5/24

by Alexa Bowman Olay



well well well... PUNKTOBER is OFFICIALLY over 😩

DON'T FRET, cause we have a showstopper for you todayyyyyyy... we're celebrating the one and only ANDEE SCHWARTZ-SILVERA'S BIRTHDAYYYYY. So sing happy brithday and enjoyyyy the music she has compiled for you all today!!

Lose You // Bully, Soccer Mommy
The Same // Bee Blackwell
Drunk II // Mannequin P*ssy

Shotgun // Soccer Mommy
Walk in the Woods // Snarls
Quarry // Wednesday

Pictures Of Success // Rilo Kiley
Elvis in the Freezer // Ratboys
Nothing Like // Mannequin P*ssy

Flyway // Kero Kero Bonito
beam me up - sped up // dayaway
Just Once More // Dressy Bessy

Supersolar // smut
Lazy Susan // Raavi

Blue // Bee Blackwell